Acer Laptops in general [Aspire 3690], downgrading laptops to Windows XP: fix

The whole problem occurs when you downgrade this laptop to Windows XP.

First thing you want to make sure you have the latest XP bios, which is completely unadvertised. It’s bios 3.6 [ complete archive ]

The 2nd thing to note, is that your downloading all of your drivers from the European site, as their United States, Pan American site is trash. [ If the link goes no where, then the proof’s in the pudding. ]

From that point on, you can just install Windows XP like normal, and download the necessary drivers from their website. Additionally if you install Windows XP first, then update the bios as quick as you can to avoid freezes and wireless internet not working. Take note that while 3.6 v. bios is good for Windows XP, there are usually different versions of the bios for XP and Vista for many laptops. This is spectacularly annoying. Apple, on the other hand makes one ‘firmware’/bios for both.

Super Collider Pricing Lab Fees, reflect economic downturn

Starting this week, Super Collider Computers will temporarily be lifting it’s standard pricing, for more economically-reflecting ones.

Our lab fees will now only be 45 $ / hour, rather than our standard combo charges. As a comparison, geeksquad charges in the 66$ to 133$ range for an hour of work. ( see google search : geek squad pricing)

You can always feel free to come in or call us [[ 316->>283->>5533 ]] to request an estimate. On skype, you can access us at supercollidercomputers all one word. (We are generally on 24-hours a day to receive messages regardless of whether our “Add me skype badge” is a check mark or X)

Have a good one, and here’s to a hopefully better economy in the coming years!

-Rodger M. Nugent, 02009.04.15

Conficker Eye chart for Ubuntu, Mac OS X. duh.

I’m not trying to be pretentious, or bringing up old arguments, just stating the fact.  While Mac OS X is considered too expensive, and Ubuntu not quite there yet as a home OS, they have one thing in common, they are no Micrsoft (SP). Mac OS X and Ubuntu continue to be two stable alternatives to the virus-ridden Windows XP, and Vista.

If you are a Mac, or an Ubuntu PC your pie chart as follows: (A+)

Conficker 100% Eye Chart, Mac OS X, Ubuntu

Conficker 100% Eye Chart, Mac OS X, Ubuntu

If you are a Windows PC, have god on your side, lol:

Test Results are individualized here.